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Eat the Whistle FREE available on Apple Store!

Topic: gamesFollowing the business model on Android I've built a version of Eat the Whistle for iOS supported by ads.


The free version is not a light version, it has every feature the paid version has.

Here is the link to download it:


After the break I'll give you additional download links for the alternative versions of the game!
Posted Monday 25 March 2013 - 10:39 (read 8441 times)
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Eat the Whistle available on Google Play

Topic: gamesAs subject says Eat the Whistle is now available on Google Play Store. According to Google it supports more than 2000 different devices.

I've had the chance to test it on the following devices: HTC Hero, Google Nexus, Google Nexus S, Samsung SII, Samsung SII, Samsung Galaxy Note2, Tazpad, an Asus 10" tablet :rolleyes:


The game is free, but with in game advertising (a small banner on the top of the screen). There is an in-app purchase of 1 euro that removes the ads forever.

So here are the links of the app on both the supported mobile platforms:

Google Play iOS

Some considerations about the different platform strategies after the break...
Posted Friday 01 March 2013 - 18:10 (read 6113 times)
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From iOS to Android using SDL

Topic: notesAs the title, and the image below, explains in this post I'll try to explain the basics about porting a C/C++ game that uses SDL from iOS to Android.

The game I'm referring is Eat the Whistle, I've already written a few posts about how I ported it from desktop to mobile here, here and here. So this post will focus on the iOS / Android differences.


The details, as usual, are after the break...
Posted Wednesday 27 February 2013 - 17:11 (read 10103 times)
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Eat the Whistle mobile video trailer

Topic: tvHere is a movie style trailer for Eat the Whistle...

Additional comments after the break...
Posted Sunday 24 February 2013 - 14:32 (read 5171 times)
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Eat the Whistle available on the App Store

Topic: gamesThe game is available for iPhone, iPad and iPod since a few days!


Click here to see it in the Apple store!

Some additional info after the break!
Posted Saturday 02 February 2013 - 12:19 (read 5779 times)
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Porting a game to the mobile (part 3)

Topic: notesA destkop game ported to mobile needs to have at least some "touch" specific implementations to compete with native games... in this article I'll describe the improvements I've made to Eat The Whistle to make it more "touchy".

I started my article on this topic here, and continued here.

Read the details after the break.

Posted Friday 25 January 2013 - 14:53 (read 6983 times)
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Porting a game to the mobile (part 2)

Topic: notesAs I wrote here, in november I started porting Eat The Whistle to the iOS platform, this article will follow the previous one explaining the problems of porting a desktop game to a mobile, touch only, platform. Read it after the break.

Posted Wednesday 23 January 2013 - 12:03 (read 7099 times)
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Porting a game to the mobile (part 1)

Topic: notesPorting an existing game to the mobile platform may be an hard job, interfaces, control systems, playing styles must be different on a mobile device, fingers are big, you have no stick or physical keys you can use, gaming sessions are shorter...

A fast port is doomed from the beginning, after the break you can read some of the challenges I took when in november 2012 I started the work to port Eat The Whistle, originally released in 1998 on the Amiga platform, to iOS (iphone/ipad/ipod).

Posted Tuesday 22 January 2013 - 16:07 (read 6946 times)
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Mass Renamer

Topic: clockA few weeks ago Canonical launched a competition called Showdown to promote their appstore, I've built a small free app to take part to the contest.

The app is called Mass Renamer and it's useful to rename files to follow a single "naming rule".

I had this problem mainly with TV shows with subtitles, and Mass Renamer can easily solve the problem (as the picture shows).

You'll find soon the linux version in the Ubuntu App Store, I'll make windows and mac versions available from this site in the next weeks.

Posted Monday 02 July 2012 - 13:21 (read 6216 times)
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